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We Are Off to a Great Start

This past Wednesday was a great first meeting of the PTO at the community room in the Pelham Library. The meeting was also available to join via Google Meets though there were some technical difficulties that I hope to clear up by next meeting. It was wonderful to see so many new faces and hear new ideas.

The meeting covered a general overview and minutes will be posted shortly. Some upcoming events to look forward to are Trunk or Treat which will take place on Saturday October 26th from 4:30-6:00 coinciding with the fire station and police station open house. Be on the lookout for information on volunteering. Another event we hope Pelham families will participate in is national walk/bike/roll to school day on October 9th. If you live within a safe distance to the school, cornerstone event in MassDOT's Safe Routes to School program. Additionally, there will be a form going out to participate in the school directory created by the PTO as well as a way to get to know your PTO at the upcoming curriculum night. Remember, this is a parents only event.

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